• 07.00 to 09.00 Breakfast
  • Visit in Nymfaio
  • 12.00 Departure to Florina (45 min driving)
  • 13.00-15.00 Lunch in Florina
  • 15.00-17.00 Visit in Florina
  • Departing to Bitola (36 min driving)
  • Check-in at the hotel
  • 19.30 Dinner

Florina is an interesting city, located in a beautiful area with a rugged mountain landscape and stunning lakes. Is known mainly due to its diverse architecture. Houses of different periods and styles are spread around town. The houses in the city center exhibit the popular eclectic elements of the 1930s, ranging from neo byzantine to art deco. Other characteristic features are the decorative elements of external surfaces and beautifully carved wooden doors. Florina is a convenient and pleasant place where we will spend the day till late afternoon, for then to stay overnight in Bitola.